Flood Potential Outlook
Issued by NWS North Platte, NE

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FGUS73 KLBF 140012

Probabilistic Hydrologic Outlook
National Weather Service North Platte NE
712 PM CDT Thu Mar 13 2025

...Spring Flood and Water Resource Outlook Number 3...

...A Below Average Flood Potential from Spring Snowmelt...

This Spring Flood and Water Resource Outlook is for the North
Platte Hydrologic Service Area, which covers western and north
central Nebraska. The river basins include: the North Platte
and South Platte Rivers and the Platte River in western Nebraska,
Frenchman Creek and Stinking Water Creek in southwest Nebraska,
the Loup and Dismal Rivers in the Sandhills of Nebraska, and
portions of the Elkhorn and Niobrara Rivers in north central

.Flood Outlook Summary...
A below average flood potential is expected from spring snowmelt. It
was a very dry winter through January, followed by 6 to 12 inches of
snowfall during the month of February and 6 to 12 inches across
north central Nebraska in March. Due to recent warm temperatures, all
snow cover has melted.

The potential for rainfall induced flash flooding is not quantifiable.
This type of flooding is most likely to occur during the late spring
and summer months.

.Snow Cover and Mountain Snowpack...
As of March 13th, no snow cover existed across western and north
central Nebraska. March and April are still typically snowy months,
so additional snowfall is possible.

Snowpack conditions in the North Platte and South Platte River
Basins in Colorado and Wyoming are currently near average. Snow
water equivalents ranged from near 100 percent of average for the
North Platte Basin and South Platte Basin. These values are slightly
higher than last year. A below average flood potential is expected
from mountain snowmelt runoff.

.Reservoir Conditions...
Normal operations are ongoing at reservoirs along the North Platte
River for this time of year. Releases from these dams have been
limited through the winter months, with inflows generally coming
from melting snow. Because of these operations, reservoir levels
have risen though the winter months. The current reservoir storage
across Wyoming, as well as Lake McConaughy, are below average for
this time of year.

.Soil Conditions and Frost Depths...
Soil moisture was much below normal across much of western and north
central Nebraska. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, abnormally
dry to moderate drought conditions existed across southwestern
Nebraska with severe to extreme drought conditions across the
remainder of western and north central Nebraska. Soil temperature
sensors indicate no frost exists.

.River and Lake Ice Conditions...
Monthly average streamflow was average to above average across the
central and northern Sandhills, including the Niobrara, Elkhorn and
Loup River Basins. Average to below average streamflow was indicated
across the southeast panhandle and southwest Nebraska, including the
Platte River Basin, and Frenchman Creek Basin. Lakes and rivers
were ice free.

.Seasonal Precipitation...
Precipitation so far this water year, since October 1, 2024, was
much below normal. Precipitation ranged from 1 to 5 inches. These
values are from 40 percent to 80 percent of normal across north
central and central Nebraska, to 80 to 110 percent of normal across
portions of southwest Nebraska.

.Weather Outlooks...
Water temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean remain slightly
below average, with weak La Nina conditions. The outlook indicates a
66 percent chance that neutral conditions may develop March through
May. For the late winter and spring months, this weather pattern
will typically favor near normal temperatures with near to slightly
below normal precipitation across the Central Plains.

According to the Climate Prediction Center, the latest 8 to 14 day
outlook calls for above average temperatures with near average

The latest 30 day outlook for March calls for near average
temperatures and precipitation.

The latest 90 day outlook for March, April and May favors near
average temperatures with near to below average precipitation going
into this spring.

.Numerical Weather Outlooks...

For the Frenchman Creek, North Platte, South Platte, Platte,
Elkhorn, and Niobrara Rivers...long range probabilistic outlooks
are issued for the water year from December through May. All other
months and locations are 90 day probabilistic outlooks.

In Table 1 below...the current (CS) and historical (HS) or normal
probabilities of exceeding minor...moderate...and major flood stages
are listed for the valid time period.

CS values indicate the probability of reaching a flood category
based on current conditions.

HS values indicate the probability of reaching a flood category
based on historical or normal conditions.

When the value of CS is more than HS...the probability of
exceeding that level is higher than normal. When the value of CS is
less than HS...the probability of exceeding that level is lower
than normal.

...Table 1--Probabilities for minor...moderate and major flooding...
                    Valid Period:  03/15/2025  - 09/30/2025

                                       :    Current and Historical
                                       :     Chances of Exceeding
                                       :       Flood Categories
                                       :      as a Percentage (%)
                      Categorical      :
                   Flood Stages (FT)   :   Minor    Moderate   Major
Location           Minor   Mod   Major :  CS   HS   CS   HS   CS   HS
--------           -----  -----  ----- : ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---
:North Platte River
Lisco                4.0    5.0    6.0 :  <5   15   <5    6   <5   <5
Lewellen             8.0    9.0   10.0 :   8   18   <5    6   <5   <5
North Platte         6.0    6.5    7.0 :  39   70   11   23    7   18
:South Platte River
Roscoe               9.0   11.0   13.0 :  12   12    9    9    7    7
North Platte        13.0   14.0   15.0 :   8    9    7    8    5   <5
:Elkhorn River
Ewing 1N             9.0   10.0   12.0 :  <5    5   <5   <5   <5   <5
:Platte River
Brady North Chann    7.5    9.0   11.0 :  23   33   12   18    6   11
:Frenchman Creek
Palisade             7.0    8.0    9.0 :  11   13   <5   <5   <5   <5
:Stinking Water Creek
Palisade 2NW        10.0   11.0   12.0 :  <5   <5   <5   <5   <5   <5
:Niobrara River
Sparks               6.0   12.0   16.0 :  <5   <5   <5   <5   <5   <5

CS = Conditional Simulation (Current Outlook)
HS = Historical Simulation
FT = Feet

In Table 2 below...the 95 through 5 percent columns indicate the
probability of exceeding the listed stage levels (FT) for the valid
time period.

...Table 2--Exceedance Probabilities...

                               Chance of Exceeding Stages
                                  at Specific Locations
                          Valid Period: 03/15/2025  - 09/30/2025
Location              95%    90%    75%    50%    25%    10%     5%
--------            ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
:North Platte River
Lisco                 1.7    1.8    1.9    2.1    2.5    3.1    3.4
Lewellen              6.1    6.3    6.4    6.8    7.2    7.8    8.2
North Platte          5.7    5.7    5.8    5.9    6.1    6.8    7.5
:South Platte River
Roscoe                3.4    3.7    4.5    6.4    7.9    9.9   13.8
North Platte          6.9    7.0    7.1    9.1   10.5   12.0   14.9
:Elkhorn River
Ewing 1N              1.5    1.8    2.7    3.8    5.1    5.7    6.5
:Platte River
Brady North Chann     2.5    2.5    2.8    5.8    7.4   10.5   11.2
:Frenchman Creek
Palisade              3.3    3.3    3.5    4.5    5.2    7.1    7.8
:Stinking Water Creek
Palisade 2NW          2.8    2.9    3.0    3.7    4.4    5.9    6.6
:Niobrara River
Sparks                3.0    3.0    3.1    3.2    3.4    3.7    3.8

In Table 3 below...the 95 through 5 percent columns indicate the
probability of falling below the listed stage levels (FT) for the
valid time period.

...Table 3--Nonexceedance Probabilities...

                            Chance of Falling Below Stages
                                 at Specific Locations
                          Valid Period: 03/15/2025  - 09/30/2025
Location              95%    90%    75%    50%    25%    10%     5%
--------            ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
:North Platte River
Lisco                 1.1    1.1    1.1    1.1    1.0    1.0    1.0
Lewellen              5.4    5.3    5.2    5.1    4.9    4.9    4.8
North Platte          4.6    4.6    4.6    4.5    4.5    4.5    4.5
:South Platte River
Roscoe                3.0    2.7    2.5    2.3    2.2    2.2    2.2
North Platte          6.6    6.6    6.6    6.6    6.6    6.6    6.6
:Elkhorn River
Ewing 1N              1.5    1.4    1.3    1.3    1.3    1.3    1.3
:Platte River
Brady North Chann     2.2    2.2    2.2    2.2    2.2    2.2    2.2
:Frenchman Creek
Palisade              3.2    3.2    3.2    3.1    3.0    3.0    3.0
:Stinking Water Creek
Palisade 2NW          2.7    2.7    2.6    2.4    2.2    0.0    0.0
:Niobrara River
Sparks                3.0    3.0    3.0    2.9    2.9    2.9    2.8

These long-range probabilistic outlooks contain forecast values that
are calculated using multiple season scenarios from 30 or more years
of climatological data...including current conditions of the
river...soil moisture...snow cover...and 30 to 90 day long-range
outlooks of temperature and precipitation. By providing a range of
probabilities...the level of risk associated with long-range planning
decisions can be determined. These probabilistic forecasts are part
of the National Weather Service`s advanced hydrologic prediction

Visit our web site weather.gov/lbf for more weather and water

This is the third and final spring flood and water resource outlook for 2025.

