Hydrometeorological Discussion
Issued by NWS Missouri Basin, Pleasant Hill

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AGUS73 KKRF 071905

Daily Hydrologic Activity Report
NWS Missouri Basin River Forecast Center Pleasant Hill MO
Mon Oct  7 19:05:02 UTC 2024

***                                                               ***
***                 RVF Forecasts Issued Today                    ***
***                                                               ***

RVF           FORECAST GROUP                              TIME ISSUED

KSR           KANSAS                                      14:08 Z
MOM           MISSOURI MAINSTEM                           14:18 Z
SPL           SOUTH PLATTE                                13:18 Z

***                                                               ***
***         Forecasts issued today for rivers at or above         ***
***                  Flood Issuance Stage (FIS)                   ***
***                                                               ***
***      MaxFcst is not necessarily a crest but the highest       ***
***              stage in the 5-day forecast period               ***
***                                                               ***

There were no forecasts above FIS issued today.

FIS = Flood Issuance Stage
FS = Flood Stage
RVF = River Forecast
LID = Location Identification
MaxFcst = Maximum Crest Forecast

***                                                               ***
***         24-hour precipitation data ending at 12Z 10/07/24     ***
***         Reports are sorted by state then by magnitude         ***
***                                                               ***

                  Colorado Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precipitation reported for this state ***

                  Iowa Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  Kansas Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  Minnesota Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  Missouri Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
EAGM7       BELTON MO 1NW                       0.02

                  Montana Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
GDMM8       AUGUSTA MT 19WNW                    0.01

                  Nebraska Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  North Dakota Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  South Dakota Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this state ***

                  Wyoming Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
JLKW4       MORAN WY 5WNW                       0.01

            Canada-Alberta Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this province ***

            Canada-Saskatchewan Data
STATION     DESCRIPTION                        RPT(in.)
*** no measurable precip reported for this province ***

