XML Feeds of Current Weather Conditions
This page provides access to observed current weather conditions for about 1,800 locations across the United States and US Territories. Two file formats designed for computer to computer data transfer are provided. RSS and XML lists are provided to aid the automated dissemination of this information. More information on RSS and XML formats/feeds. Comments and feedback are welcome. There is additional information about this offering via this Product Description Document.
Select a State or Territory to locate XML weather observations feeds available:
An index list of all available stations is available in XML (900kb):
Zip files containing all XML or RSS files are available:
- All current RSS files (4052688 bytes)
- All current XML files (5138691 bytes)
These files are updated hourly.
About RSS
RSS is an XML based document format for syndicating news and other timely news-like information. It provides headlines, URLs to the source document and brief description information in an easy to understand and use format. RSS based "News Readers" and "News Aggregators" allow the display of RSS headlines on workstation desktops. Software libraries exist to read the RSS format and present RSS headlines on webpages and other online applications.
These NWS supplied RSS documents use the RSS 2.0 format. Each RSS item links to the html/web documents described above. Additional technical information is available from the following non-US Government website:
A non-US Government maintained list of RSS readers, aggregators and related software:
Comments on this service are welcome.
About XML
NWS offers hourly weather observations formatted with xml tags to aid in the parsing of the information by automated programs used to populate databases, display information on webpages or other similar applications. This format is not to be confused with RSS and cannot be read by RSS readers and aggregators. These files present more detailed information than the RSS feeds in strings friendly for parsing. Both the RSS and XML feeds offer URLs to icon images. Additionally, a list of what phrases may appear in the <weather> XML tag and suggested icons is available. To access these feeds, select a state and then the last XML link in the column.