BurstIn solar-terrestrial terms, a transient enhancement of the solar radio emission, usually associated with an active region or flare.
Centimeter BurstA solar radio burst in the centimeter wavelength range.DownburstA strong downdraft current of air from a cumulonimbus cloud, often associated with intense thunderstorms. Downdrafts may produce damaging winds at the surface.Dry MicroburstA microburst with little or no precipitation reaching the ground; most common in semi-arid regions. They may or may not produce lightning. Dry microbursts may develop in an otherwise fair-weather pattern; visible signs may include a cumulus cloud or small Cb with a high base and high-level virga, or perhaps only an orphan anvil from a dying rain shower. At the ground, the only visible sign might be a dust plume or a ring of blowing dust beneath a local area of virga.MacroburstA convective downdraft with an affected outflow area of at least 2½ miles wide and peak winds lasting between 5 and 20 minutes. Intense macrobursts may cause tornado-force damage of up to F3 intensity.MicroburstA convective downdraft with an affected outflow area of less than 2½ miles wide and peak winds lasting less than 5 minutes. Microbursts may induce dangerous horizontal/vertical wind shears, which can adversely affect aircraft performance and cause property damage.Microwave BurstIn solar-terrestrial terms, a radiowave signal associated with optical and/or X-ray
flaresU BurstIn solar-terrestrial terms, a fast radio burst spectrum of a flare. It has a U-shaped appear-
ance in an intensity-vs.-frequency plotWet MicroburstA microburst accompanied by heavy precipitation at the surface. A rain foot may be a visible sign of a wet microburst.X-Ray BurstIn solar-terrestrial terms, a temporary enhancement of the X-ray emission of the sun. The
time-intensity profile of soft X-ray bursts is similar to that of
the H-alpha profile of an associated flare.
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