BankIn hydrologic terms, the margins of a channel. Banks are called right or left as viewed facing in the direction of the flow.Bank StorageIn hydrologic terms, water absorbed and stored in the void in the soil cover in the bed and banks of a stream, lake, or reservoir, and returned in whole or in part as the level of water body surface falls.BankfullThe water level, or stage, at which a stream, river or lake is at the top of its banks and any further rise would result in water moving into the flood plain.Bankfull StageAn established gage height at a given location along a river or stream, above which a rise in water surface will cause the river or stream to overflow the lowest natural stream bank somewhere in the corresponding reach. The term "lowest bank" is however, not intended to apply to an unusually low place or a break in the natural bank through which the water inundates a small area. Bankfull stage is not necessarily the same as flood stage.EmbankmentIn hydrologic terms, fill material, usually earth or rock, placed with sloping sides and usually with length greater than height. All dams are types of
embankmentsZoned Embankment DamIn hydrologic terms, an embankment dam which is comprised of zones of selected materials having different degrees of porosity, permeability and
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