Aneroid BarometerAn instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure in which a needle, attached to the top of an evacuated box, is deflected as changes in atmospheric pressure cause the top of the box to bend in or out.
BarAn obstacle formed at the shallow entrance to the mouth of a river or bay.Barber Pole[Slang], a thunderstorm updraft with a visual appearance including cloud striations that are
curved in a manner similar to the stripes of a barber pole. The structure typically is most pronounced on the
leading edge of the updraft, while drier air from the rear flank downdraft often erodes the clouds on the
trailing side of the updraft. Baroclinic leaf shieldA cloud pattern on satellite images - frequently
noted in advance of formation of a low pressure center.Baroclinic ZoneA region in which a temperature gradient exists on a constant pressure surface. Baroclinic zones are favored areas for strengthening and weakening systems; barotropic systems, on the other hand, do not exhibit significant changes in intensity. Also, wind shear is characteristic of a baroclinic zone.BaroclinityA measure of the state of stratification in a fluid in which surfaces of constant pressure (isobaric) intersect surfaces of constant density (isosteric).BarogramAn analog record of pressure produced by a barographBarographA barometer that records its observations continuously.BarometerAn instrument that measures atmospheric pressure.Barometric PressureThe pressure of the atmosphere as indicated by a barometer.Barotropic SystemA weather system in which temperature and pressure surfaces are coincident, i.e., temperature is uniform (no temperature gradient) on a constant pressure surface. Barotropic systems are characterized by a lack of wind shear, and thus are generally unfavorable areas for severe thunderstorm development. See baroclinic zone.
Usually, in operational meteorology, references to barotropic systems refer to equivalent barotropic systems - systems in which temperature gradients exist, but are parallel to height gradients on a constant pressure surface. In such systems, height contours and isotherms are parallel everywhere, and winds do not change direction with height.
As a rule, a true equivalent barotropic system can never be achieved in the real atmosphere. While some systems (such as closed lows or cutoff lows) may reach a state that is close to equivalent barotropic, the term barotropic system usually is used in a relative sense to describe systems that are really only close to being equivalent barotropic, i.e., isotherms and height contours are nearly parallel everywhere and directional wind shear is weak.BarotropyThe state of a fluid in which surfaces of constant density (or temperature) are coincident with surfaces of constant pressure; it is the state of zero baroclinity.BarrageIn hydrologic terms, any artificial obstruction placed in water to increase water level or divert it. Usually the idea is to control peak flow for later release. Barrier JetA jet-like wind current that forms when a stably-stratified low-level airflow approaches a mountain barrier and turns to the left to blow parallel to the longitudinal axis of the barrier.
Bartel's Rotation NumberThe serial number assigned to 27-day rotation
periods of solar and geophysical parameters. Rotation 1 in this
sequence was assigned arbitrarily by Bartel to begin in January
1833.IsallobarA line of equal change in atmospheric pressure during a specified time period. IsobarA line connecting points of equal pressure.Isobaric ChartA weather map representing conditions on a surface of equal atmospheric pressure. For example, a 500 mb chart will display conditions at the level of the atmosphere at which the atmospheric pressure is 500 mb. The height above sea level at which the pressure is that particular value may vary from one location to another at any given time, and also varies with time at any one location, so it does not represent a surface of constant altitude/height (i.e., the 500 mb level may be at a different height above sea level over Dallas than over New York).Isobaric ProcessAny thermodynamic change of state of a system that takes a place at constant pressure.Mercury BarometerAn instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. The instrument contains an evacuated and graduated glass tube in which mercury rises or falls as the pressure of the atmosphere increases or decreases.MicrobarographA instrument designed to continuously record a barometer's reading of very small changes in atmospheric pressure. MillibarA unit of atmospheric pressure equal to 1/1000 bar, or 1000 dynes per square centimeter.
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