Automated Event Reporting Gage(also see Tipping Bucket Rain Gage); for river stage gages, IFLOWS pressure transducer type gages can be programmed to report if water surface rises or falls by a predetermined amount. Bubbler GageIn hydrologic terms, a water stage recording device that is capable of attaching to a LARC for data automation purposes. Crest GageA gage used to obtain a record of flood crests at sites where recording gages are installed.E-19, Report on River Gage StationIn hydrologic terms, a report to be completed every 5 years providing a complete history of a river station and all gages that have been used for public
forecasts since the establishment of the station.E-19a, Abridged Report on River Gage StaIn hydrologic terms, an abridged version of an E-19, an E-19a updates the E-19 as additional information, or changes occur at the station during the
intervening five year period. An E-19a is to be completed anytime a significant change occurs at a forecast point. An E-19a is also
used to take the place of an E-19 in documenting any gage history, or information of any non-forecast point (i.e; data point).Float Recording Precipitation gageIn hydrologic terms, a rain gage where the rise of a float within the instrument with increasing rainfall is recorded. Some of these gages must be emptied
manually, while others employ a self-starting siphon to empty old rainfall amounts.GageIn hydrologic terms,
1) A device for indicating the magnitude or position of a thing in specific units, when such magnitude or position undergoes change,
for example: The elevation of a water surface, the velocity of flowing water, the pressure of water, the amount or intensity of
precipitation, the depth of snowfall, etc.
(2) The act or operation of registering or measuring the magnitude or position of a thing
when these characteristics are undergoing change.
(3) The operation, including both field and office work, of measuring the
discharge of a stream of water in a waterway.Gage DatumA horizontal surface used as a zero point for measurement of stage or gage height. This surface usually is located slightly below the lowest point of the stream bottom such that the gage height is usually slightly greater than the maximum depth of water. Because the gage datum is not an actual physical object, the datum is usually defined by specifying the elevations of permanent reference marks such as bridge abutments and survey monuments, and the gage is set to agree with the reference marks. Gage datum is a local datum that is maintained indepenÂdently of any national geodetic datum. However, if the elevation of the gage datum relative to the national datum (North American Vertical Datum of 1988 or National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) has been determined, then the gage readings can be converted to elevations above the national datum by adding the elevation of the gage datum to the gage reading.Pressure GageA device for registering the pressure of solids, liquids, or gases. It may be graduated to register pressure in any units desired.Radioisotope Snow GageA snow water equivalent gage based on the absorption of gamma radiation by snow; this gage can measure up to 55 inches water equivalent with a 2 to 5 percent error.River GageA device for measuring the river stage.River Gage DatumThe arbitrary zero datum elevation which all stage measurements are made from.Tipping-Bucket Rain GageA precipitation gage where collected water is funneled into a two compartment bucket; 0.01, 0.1 mm, or some other designed quantity of rain will fill one compartment and overbalance the bucket so that it tips, emptying into a reservoir and moving the second compartment into place beneath the funnel. As the bucket is tipped, it actuates an electric circuit.Weighing-Type Precipitation GageA rain gage that weighs the rain or snow which falls into a bucket set on a platform of a spring or lever balance. The increasing weight of its contents plus the bucket are recorded on a chart. The record thus shows the accumulation of precipitation.Wire Weight GageIn hydrologic terms, a river gage comprised of a weight which is lowered to the water level. The weight is attached to a cable; and as the weight is
lowered, a counter indicates the length of cable released. The stage is determined from the length of cable required to reach the
water level.
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