Medium Range Forecast (MRF)A configuration of the National Water Model (NWM) that runs every 6 hours and produces 3-hourly deterministic forecasts of streamflow and hydrologic states for the contiguous United States (ConUS). This configuration is an ensemble forecast with 7 members; member 1 extends out to 10 days, while members 2-7 extend out to 8.5 days. Meteorological forcing data are drawn from the GFS.MRmoreMRFMedium Range Forecast model, the medium-range computer model run by the United States (NOAA). The output from this model is part of what is now known as the GFS model, so the term MRF is no longer widely used.MRGLMarginalMRNGMorningMulti-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS)An automated system that rapidly and intelligently integrates data from multiple radars and radar networks, surface observations, numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, and climatology to generate seamless, high spatio-temporal resolution mosaics.National Water Model Medium-Range Forecast (NWM MRF)A 10-day streamflow forecast for the over 3.6 million waterway miles across the Nation, forced by the GFS and updated every 6 hours.NMRSNumerous
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