Latest weather observations around
19 Miles ENE Salt Flat TX
Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
14:15 Fair 72 9 9 NW 12 G 28 29.97
14:15 A Few Clouds 64 14 14 Vrbl 7 G 16 29.92
14:15 Fair 64 20 18 NE 16 G 22 30.03
14:15 Fair 37 18 45 N 16 30.07
13:53 Fair 43 20 40 NW 10 G 21 30.04
13:51 Mostly Cloudy 70 18 14 W 10 G 21 29.92
13:50 Fair 36 16 44 N 17 30.06
14:35 Fair 67 14 13 W 18 G 32 29.94
14:15 Partly Cloudy 35 21 57 NE 18 G 24 30.06
13:53 Fair and Breezy 37 25 62 NE 21 30.03
13:53 Fair 40 22 49 NE 18 30.03
14:15 Fair 50 21 32 N 9 30.03
14:15 Fair 79 11 7 Calm 29.90
13:51 Fair 37 18 46 NE 12 30.05
13:53 Fair 49 21 33 N 15 30.01
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.