Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
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FOUS30 KWBC 170114

Excessive Rainfall Discussion
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
914 PM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

Day 1
Valid 01Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


01Z Update...
With drier conditions now spreading across southeastern North
Carolina and redeveloping heavy rains not expected, the Moderate
Risk previously centered over Cape Fear was removed with this
update. However, a Slight Risk was maintained further to the north
and west.

Deep moisture (PWs 2+ inches) and sufficient instability (MLCAPE
1000-1500 J/kg) coincident with strong easterly inflow north of the
low previously known as Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight continues
to support widespread rain from eastern to central North Carolina.
However, rainfall rates have come down over the past few hours.
MRMS shows some pockets of 1+ in/hr rainfall rates, but these are
largely disorganized. Given the available moisture and instability,
periods of heavy rainfall will likely remain a threat through the
overnight, and isolated to scattered flash flooding cannot be ruled
out. Some members of the hi-res guidance suite, including recent
runs of the HRRR, show heavy amounts and suggest a greater flash
flood threat from the Crystal Coast northward overnight. But their
output compared with current observations suggest these models are

Further to the west, steady moderate to heavy rain will continue
to shift west along the upper center back into the western
Carolinas. Strong forcing along with orographic enhancement may
support some heavier totals overnight, with the HREF indicating
amounts of 2-3 inches are likely. However, limited instability
should hamper rainfall rates and the threat for widespread flash

Elsewhere, made smaller adjustments based on current observation
trends. This includes northeastern North Dakota and northern
Minnesota, where a convective heavy rainfall threat continues to
develop this evening. Refer to WPC MPD #1026 for additional
information regarding the heavy rain and flash flooding threat
across this region.


Previous Discussion...
...Northern Plains and Upper Midwest...

Aloft, a shortwave will track from the Central Plains to the
Northern Plains later tonight. This should help renew convection
over portions of the Dakotas to northwestern Minnesota later this
evening. Given ample mid-level ascent conducive for convective
initiation, a pre-frontal surface trough that is expected to
develop over the southern Canadian Prairies that builds into the
Dakotas, and a formidable corridor of high theta-E that bisects the
area, some enhancements of rainfall rates could result in instances
of flooding.

...Western U.S...

12Z upper air analysis indicates a broad closed upper circulation
positioned over northern California with an expectation that it
will continue to strengthen throughout the period. Increasing
moisture on the eastern flank of the mean trough will allow for a
better convective environment as the region enters a strong upper
forcing regime with a correlated instability maximum located over
the Great Basin. The approach of the upper low will initiate a
blossoming of convection across the eastern and northern Sierra,
extending into Nevada and eventually Idaho through this evening.
MUCAPE between 500-1000 J/kg will be most common within the
interior, plenty to induce a swath of enhanced convection over an
area not typically acclimated to see a decent amount of rainfall.
The current forecast calls for a multi-region impact of
convectively driven rainfall that could easily exceed 1" in any
area located from the Great Basin, Four Corners, and portions of
the Southwestern U.S.

...Deep South...

Lingering low-level moisture with the proximity of a quasi-
stationary front across the Deep South will allow for another
round of locally enhanced rainfall that could cause some flash
flood concerns, generally over the Lower Mississippi Valley into
the Central Gulf coast. The signal is more diffuse than previous
days but the probability fields still indicate a formidable
potential for >3", especially along the Gulf coast where the
surface based instability is most prominent. Maintained the low end
Marginal risk area with little change...especially given some of
those areas were hit hardest the past several days from Francine
and its remnants.


Day 2
Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


2030Z Update...
With the Southeast/Mid-Atlantic system becoming increasingly
disjointed between the surface and upper feature...rainfall amounts
should be tapering off...so a Marginal Risk area is still generally
fine. The exception tends to be over southeast Virginia where
models have started showing a signal for some enhanced
rainfall...so maintained a Slight risk there. The signal for even
less rainfall and a corresponding drop in the threat of excessive
rainfall allowed amount of territory to be removed from the
Marginal across the northern Mid-Atlantic and parts of New York.
The Marginal Risk for Montana continues to be supported by the
latest model runs showing low pressure forming over northeast
Montana that reaches the international border during the latter
part of the outlook period.


Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

...Mid Atlantic...

The remnant cyclone will be perusing through the Mid Atlantic come
Tuesday with its moisture flux steadily pushing northward through
the Central Mid Atlantic, carrying a potential for locally enhanced
rainfall and flash flood prospects. As of this time, the consensus
is still muddled on exactly where the remnant circulation will be
progressing, as well the forecast instability positioning on the
eastern flank of the circulation. PWAT anomalies will be creeping
closer to 1-2 standard deviations above normal, a historical
characteristic for heavy rain and flash flood concerns within the
Mid Atlantic. Ensemble instability fields are generally more
defined in-of the Blue Ridge in VA and across Southeastern VA.
These would likely be the areas with the most interest when it
comes to any higher risk. The shifts within the ensemble mean QPF
add too much variance to conclude the prospects for a higher risk,
at this time. With coordination from the local WFOs across the Mid
Atlantic, a MRGL was maintained from the previous forecast with
some adjustments based on the latest ensemble QPF footprint.

...Florida Panhandle...

Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
parallel to the coast. This is a lower-end MRGL risk categorically,
but with forecasts within the deterministic still pointing towards
cells producing >2" of rainfall, this was enough of a signal to
warrant the MRGL risk inherited from the previous forecast.

...Southern Rockies...

Ejecting shortwave trough out of the Four Corners will provide
ample mid and upper support for a generation of scattered
convection located across the Southern Rockies down into the
Sacramento Mountains in NM. The setup is geared towards locally
enhanced rainfall prospects tied to the terrain with the best
opportunity for impacts likely occurring over burn scars located
within the Sangre de Cristos and the Sacramento Mountains near
Ruidoso. Those two locations are very sensitive, and the setup
would certainly be conducive to providing local impacts within the
two separate MRGL risk areas. Areal QPF average is between
0.25-0.5", but deterministic output still signals potential for
upwards of 1.5-2" of rainfall, plenty to cause issues within the
complex terrain and over any sensitive grounds. A MRGL risk was
added over the above locations to account for the threat.

...Western Montana...

Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). Current QPF distribution
signals a scattered array of 1-2" totals with the most precip
footprint of the maxima tied closer to the terrain thanks to the
orographic elements typically favored in these types of setups. The
convectively driven pattern is one that maintains prominence on
local flash flood prospects and still has some room for a targeted
higher risk pending the convective outlook once into better range
of the CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity with some
extension on the southern periphery of the risk area over MT.


Day 3
Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


2030 UTC Update...

Focus for the most organized precipitation with a corresponding
threat of excessive rainfall will be in parts of the Northern
Rockies...where a well-defined deformation zone sets up to the west
of a well organized area of low pressure in southern Canada.
Precipitation amounts in excess of 3 inches appears in most of the
broader scale model QPF and even a few 5 inch amounts appear in the
high resolution guidance. This amount of QPF remains worthy of
Slight Risk and may require an upgrade if the guidance continues to
inch up.

The latest guidance shows even moderate rainfall amounts becoming
scant...allowing much of the northern part of the Marginal risk
area to be removed. If trends continue...more area may be removed.
However there are still a couple of pieces of guidance which manage
to produce locally heavy rainfall amounts in proximity to a trowal
near the Mid-Atlantic so felt it was too early to remove entirely.


Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...


Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern
Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading
to a prolific axis of deformation developing in-of the Northern
Rockies encompassing Northwest MT. Ensemble mean QPF is quite
impressive given the synoptic regime with very little surface based
instability to work with. The whole pattern is driven by powerful
upper forcing within a well-defined axis of deformation on the
western side of a broad, occluding surface cyclone. Precip totals
off the latest deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4"
with locally as high as 5+" located within the terrain to the east
of Great Falls. The current solution is generating pQPF 90th
percentile output of 100yr ARI`s located within the Rockies to the
east of the valley up in Western MT. With multi-day totals
bordering 6-8" across portions of MT, a SLGT risk was added for the
time being as we still have some time prior to eventual impacts.
That said, it`s a period to monitor as the current consensus is
pretty bullish with a general agreement to the setup within much of
the 00z deterministic suite. A higher risk is not out of the
question, especially if the magnitude of the forecast rainfall
maintains through multiple model cycles, and/or becomes even more
aggressive in the signal.

...Central Mid Atlantic...

The remnants of the tropical disturbance will linger across the Mid
Atlantic with some locally heavy rainfall prospects still in the
forecast. There is a great amount of uncertainty on specifics, so
the current forecast is based off the latest ensemble blend with a
focus on the potential most likely closer to the coast where from
the Marginal Risk instability is highest during the period. For
now, wanted to maintain some continuity with the prospects still
non-zero with more time to assess and hone in more as we move
closer into the period.


Day 1 threat area: https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/94epoints.txt
Day 2 threat area: https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/98epoints.txt
Day 3 threat area: https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/99epoints.txt