Current conditions at


Lat: 33.07569° N Lon: 116.59258° W Elev: 4238.0 ft.




Humidity 36%
Wind Speed E 2 MPH
Barometer NA
Dewpoint 19°F (-7°C)
Visibility NA
Last update 04 Nov 05:55 AM PST
Detailed forecast for

San Diego County Mountains

Sunny, warmer. Highs 59 to 67. Areas of winds northeast 15 to 25 mph. Gusts to 45 mph...becoming 35 mph this afternoon.
Clear. Lows 33 to 43. Areas of winds northeast 10 to 15 mph with gusts to 25 mph.
Sunny. Highs 66 to 73. Areas of winds northeast to 10 mph becoming west 10 mph in the afternoon.
Tuesday Night
Mostly clear. Lows 33 to 43. Areas of winds west 10 to 15 mph with gusts to 25 mph becoming east overnight.
Partly cloudy in the morning...becoming mostly sunny. Highs 55 to 65. Areas of winds east 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 40 mph.
Wednesday Night
Clear. Lows 30 to 40.
Sunny. Highs 55 to 64.
Thursday Night
Clear. Lows 30 to 40.
Sunny. Highs 59 to 68.
Friday Night
Clear. Lows 32 to 42.
Mostly sunny. Highs 64 to 72.
Saturday Night
Mostly clear. Lows 34 to 44.
Mostly sunny. Highs 64 to 72.

Click Map For Forecast
233 AM PST Mon Nov 4 2024

Additional Resources

Radar & Satellite Image

Link to Local Radar Data Link to Satellite Data

Hourly Weather Forecast

National Digital Forecast Database