Current conditions at


Lat: 33.94917° N Lon: 116.65722° W Elev: 2546.0 ft.




Humidity 21%
Wind Speed SE 7 MPH
Barometer NA
Dewpoint 9°F (-13°C)
Visibility NA
Wind Chill44°F (7°C)
Last update 12 Jan 09:50 PM PST
Detailed forecast for

San Gorgonio Pass Near Banning

Mostly clear. Colder. Lows 36 to 40 through the pass to 41 to 45 in the northern coachella valley. Areas of winds north 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph...becoming 10 to 15 mph with gusts to 30 mph overnight.
Mostly sunny. Highs around 60 through the pass to 64 to 68 in the northern coachella valley. Areas of winds north 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 40 mph.
Monday Night
Clear. Lows 38 to 43 through the pass to 41 to 47 in the northern coachella valley. Areas of winds north 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs around 62 through the pass to 65 to 68 in the northern coachella valley. Areas of winds northeast 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 40 mph.
Tuesday Night
Clear. Lows 40 to 45 through the pass to 43 to 49 in the northern coachella valley. Areas of winds north 15 to 20 mph. Gusts to 35 mph...becoming 30 mph overnight.
Mostly sunny. Highs around 67 through the pass to 70 to 73 in the northern coachella valley.
Wednesday Night
Mostly clear. Lows 41 to 50.
Mostly sunny. Highs around 68 through the pass to 71 to 74 in the northern coachella valley.
Thursday Night
Mostly clear. Lows 39 to 49.
Mostly sunny. Highs around 63 through the pass to 69 in the northern coachella valley.
Friday Night
Mostly clear in the evening...becoming partly cloudy. Lows 38 to 48.
Partly cloudy. Highs around 59 through the pass to 66 in the northern coachella valley.
Saturday Night
Partly cloudy. Lows 36 to 46.
Partly cloudy. Highs 54 to 57 through the pass to 59 to 62 in the northern coachella valley.

Click Map For Forecast
129 PM PST Sun Jan 12 2025

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